Tuesday, February 13, 2007

In honor of SS. Cyril & Methodius - things I love to hate in CT . . .

State and national politicians that receive communion and vote in favor of abortion.
Pediatricians that like to have "open and frank" discussions with your children about sex.
Open attacks on Catholic Hospitals, ah la - Plan B.
That Colin McEnroe is funny.
Confirmation classes that discuss human sexuality with both genders present (I should just be happy, I suppose, if a confirmation class did factually present the Church's teaching on human sexuality).
Trans-gender associations in high schools.
Gender-equity feminists.
Slurs against social conservatives on The Hartford Courant's editorial . . . I mean, news page.
and, of course, The State of Connecticut Judiciary Committee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How about what I love about Connecticut:

a) The strong sense of community from living in a place with such a dense Catholic population.

b) The high rate of educated people.

c) The high age at first marraige, which allows us twentysomethings time to adequately prepare for marraige, get careers and degrees, become secure adults, and date without the worry that we're going to be "old maids" or the pressure to rush into marraige when we're 22.

d) The low divorce rate (due to b and c)comparative to the rest of the country

e) the beach :)

I love CT. Who gives a hoot what Crisis says. Their notion of "viatlity" is rather limited.